
is a mineral that exists naturally in Canadaโ€™s lakes, rivers, and groundwater. 

In drinking water,

fluoride has been proven to significantly reduce dental cavities. 

Water fluoridation

is the adjustment of existing fluoride levels in community water supplies to achieve optimal results for dental health. The consensus in the scientific community is that water fluoridation is effective in preventing dental decay and is completely safe.


in avoided dental costs for every $1 invested in water fluoridation.


of Canadians benefit from CWF compared to 74.4% of Americans


fluoride in water is the optimal concentration to promote good oral health

Who Are We?

We are concerned citizens โ€“ including scientists, water engineers, teachers, parents (and dentists!) – devoted to achieving the best possible outcomes for everyoneโ€™s dental health

How Do We Do It?  

 โ€ข We provide good, reliable information

โ€ข We challenge false claims

โ€ข We stand behind community fluoridation efforts

Please explore this website, which offers a wealth of resources.
And please be in touch with us, with questions โ€“ โ€“ or your commitment to help!

“Fluoridation is an effective and safe public health measure that tops up naturally occurring fluoride in the water to 0.7 parts per million. At this level, fluoride reduces dental decay by approximately 25%. Dental decay is the most common chronic disease of childhood and can affect everyone, especially seniors and the disabled.”

Dentists pleading for reinstatement of fluoride in Calgary

This video was filmed in Calgary in October 2019. It describes the effects of the lack of water fluoridation in Calgary from the perspective of four Calgary oral health specialists.

The State of Community Water Fluoridation across Canada

On December 22, 2022, the office of the Chief Dental Officer of Canada, part of the Public Health Agency of Canada, release its report on the state of community water fluoridation across Canada.

Community Water Fluoridation Documents

The Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) has a variety of reports that are shared with the public. You can learn more about this independent, not-for-profit organization here. Below are a series of reports from their reports on Community Water Fluoridation.


Canadian Law Supports Fluoridation


Fluoridation Is Public Health Policy in Every Canadian Jurisdiction


Fluoridation Should Be the Practice Everywhere in Canada